guncat's creative space


there are three of them in the corner:
my fears
my hopes
and my dreams

the room is lit in three colors:
red for the fears
blue for the hopes
and a brilliant white for the dreams

they are fragile
and yet
they sustain my life
they are my beating heart

they make me who I am
and if you look close enough
there’s a little bit of those three in all of us
they are us

the fears control us
make us refuse to do things
they are the tyrants
the dictators

the hopes keep us going
through the dark and scary tunnels
where the fears would have us turn back
they are the leaders

the dreams hold us together
without them we would fall apart
like dandelion seeds in the wind
they are the glue

we live like puppets on strings
controlled by the three
if only we could be free
free to live our own lives
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